Sanket a Photographer by Passion & Profession. Apart from being a Photographer & Designer he is good Sketch Artist. He is having great view towards photogaphy, as he loves to make use of existing nature and other things.

He is having mindblasting experience of above 18 years. He has done many religious weddings which includes Maharashtrian, Punjabi, Gujarati, Marwadi, Catholic, Telgu and Muslim.

While shooting any snap or film he simply catches the mood, elegance and happiness from the surrounding. From his view camera is an eye which captures great moments.

During practicing photography for last 18 years, he has used many cameras from Black & White camera till today's latest DSLR's. Currently his equipments includes 5DMkIII from canon and range of top of the line lenses.

Apart from this he is great man who is always ready to help others and having signature slogan as "Be Happy...!".